'Standing Abs Workout for over 50 women with Kukuwa Fitness, Kukuwa African Dance Workout. In this video I collaborate with my sister, the founder and CEO of Kukuwa Fitness. We bring you 5 amazing standing abs workout for over 50 women or anyone for that matter! As women over 50 these African move style workouts are ideal if you want the best exercises for a great home workout without getting on the floor. Most of these moves can be found in Kukuwa Fitness workouts. Be fabulous in your 50s with these ab workouts and total body workout that is tailored for your body. Women search for fitness workouts that answers the need on how to exercise without going to the gym. Kukuwa fitness or Kukuwa Dance workout is that fun exercise dance workout that gives individual fitness and self workouts that 50 year old women can do to be in great shape and find to be a fun exercise. This African Dance workout is designed for all but addresses the 50 year old body. Kukuwa helps us achieve the best bodies over 50 and the average 50 year old woman would be able to keep up with the various routines. #standingabsworkout #absworkout #kukuwaafricandanceworkout #womenover50 #kukuwafitness Share this video https://youtu.be/MZBVQobFqv0 ******************************************************************* Visit my Blog for more information and a free Handout on \"5 Tips to a Healthier, Younger You.\" https://50somethingoriginal.com 31 days to a Healthy Lifestyle course (learn tools for lifelong healthy living) https://bernices-school.thinkific.com/courses/welcome Click here to get the stylish college, football, and basketball gear! https://50somethingoriginal.com/nfl-gear-for-women/ Interested in affiliate marketing click here to sign up for free https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=44&u=1914726&m=47&urllink=&afftrack= Camera and Lighting https://50somethingoriginal.com/2017/07/15/mom-and-tiff-watch-and-enjoy/ ******************************************************************** Mom and Tiff Playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSUHEGwfG2M&list=PL44LimG72nhbCClGIbD6clrniVV4MQp5_ Beauty tips for women over 50 playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL44LimG72nhYJrMcFCFfxdgqPyWMaSmcd My Life as a Kidney Donor playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL44LimG72nhbCurywsmjo8Pa5mN6dnXoX Join my Facebook page for Youtubers over the age of 50 to grow our channels together! https://www.facebook.com/groups/over50youtubers/ Visit my Instagram for posts not seen on YouTube @the50something Follow me on Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/fiftysomethingoriginal/ Follow me on twitter https://twitter.com/the50something'
Tags: ab workout , women over 50 , fitness over 50 women , abs workout , fun exercise , standing abs workout , kukuwa african dance workout , fabulous50s , Kukuwa fitness , self workouts , 31 days to a healthy lifestyle course , over 50 women , 50 something original , kukuwa dance workout , kukuwa dance fitness , fun exercise dance workout , how to exercise without going to the gym , individual fitness , 50 year old woman in great shape , 50 year old woman body , average 50 year old woman
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