Jun 4, 2021
'https://firerescuefitness.com/2018/01/10-healthy-snack-options-firehouse/ Do you want to know how fit fire rescue athletes make nutritious meal choices? Here are some shortcuts, go-to recipes, cooking suggestions and go-to snacks for making the life of a fire rescue athlete a little healthier. Eating healthy with a demanding job can be difficult. Add in the fact that the firehouse is usually full of non-nutritious choices like cakes and baked goods and its no wonder that obesity, diabetes and heart disease are huge concerns in the fire industry. Yet, as any busy person, or appointed firehouse cook can attest, whipping up a healthy nutritious snack or meal at the end of a long shift can be time consuming and stressful. In fact, research by the American Sociological Association found that cooking can make many people stressed, anxious and unhappy. However, cooking and eating around the firehouse doesn\'t need to be so stressful. Producing healthy meals and making the firehouse a more nutritious place is a possibility. Here are five (or six) ways that you can cook and eat more healthy in the firehouse (or any house). Click the link above for the post. Visit our website for more great workouts and fitness tips! http://www.FireRescueFitness.com Are we friends yet? Join us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/FireRescueFitness Get the latest updates via Twitter! https://twitter.com/getfrfit Subscribe to FRF on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ZamzowFitness'
Tags: emt fitness , firefighter fitness program , firefighter health , firefighter nutrition , healthy firefighter recipe
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