'You’ve seen the smiling faces on our social feed, but what does a Generation POUND® class look and feel like? The workout is tailored for young rockstars ages 6–12, with kid-friendly choreography and group activities designed to teach kids new ways to explore movement, embrace their creativity and ROCK OUT! #poundrockoutworkout #generationpound Find a Class: https://poundfit.com/find-a-class/ Become an Instructor: http://poundfit.com/instructor-training/ Join our Posse: Subscribe to our newsletter at https://poundfit.com Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/poundfit Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/poundfit Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/poundfit Follow us on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/poundfit Learn more: http://poundfit.com/generation/'
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