'http://www.TheWorkoutWizard.com Building on my last blog post, (Believing in Yourself) I want to re-iterate that I think it is very important that in fitness (as in life) that we focus on things that we can personally control. The first component to fitness success is to Believe in Yourself. Today we will discuss the second fundamental component. 2. Nutrition. The second fundamental component to fitness success is sound nutrition. A huge part of accomplishing your fitness goal will result from proper eating habits. If you ever read the fine print on those fat loss tablets, there is a little * with the phrase: Jon used _____ caplets with diet, exercise and muscle building products for 8 weeks. We all know that the results were from the tablets(Yeah right). In the next few months, we will talk about all of the things you need to do to eat healthy. My challenge to you is to figure out where you are nutritionally. Take a day or two and log your foods, figure out how many calories you normally eat and also make note of how often you eat (or dont eat). The first step to sound nutrition is to figure out what you are currently eating. For more great Fitness Tips and to find the best Workout or Nutrition Routine go to http://www.TheWorkoutWizard.com'
Tags: Workout , motivation , diet , loss , weight , nutrition , strong , meal , routine , lean , Plan , aerobic , Believe
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