'35 Minute Boxing Class. HEAVY BAG HIIT | NateBowerFitness Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa9_TpiSkqYwcr35uh5N7Og 130 ELEVATED PREMIUM Workouts---NATE BOWER ELEVATED https://watch.natebowerelevated.com/ Shadow Boxing Gloves https://natebowerfitness.com/boxing/shadow-boxing-gloves Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2w5wwHt Follow Nate Bower Official Website: http://natebowerfitness.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/natebowerfitness Facebook: https://facebook.com/natebowerfitness Twitter: https://twitter.com/nbfitness Watch more Nate Bower Newest Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhbuLiV970GJ8UYqIOzvGPTZk6w-20h3 Boxing Workouts & Routines: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhbuLiV970EXS1_-yErAadBm1iBpmPWL HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhbuLiV970GhpLVo9l1fJHRZl5mRd2B4 15 Minute Workouts: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhbuLiV970Hp1tmuo7G8fTMRAbVmbzLJ&playnext=1 20 Minute Workouts: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhbuLiV970GW01yKEK_8WM_4fVZJA1RI&playnext=1 30 Minute Workouts: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhbuLiV970H9GyF9FZBIOEmqX158EH98&playnext=1 Most Popular: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhbuLiV970E3VyFo09Ygaxgy8gv3JlzW 30 Minute Boxing Routines https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhbuLiV970EFfLKw6Djllr2Zm2m7xnRx Welcome to the official Nate Bower Fitness YouTube channel! Nate Bower is a certified PTS, boxing instructor, personal trailer and competitive athlete, based out of Toronto Ontario, Canada. This channel offers boxing workouts, heavy bag workouts, high intensity interval training, motivation, timed session workout routines, and more. Subscribe and turn on ALL post notifications! Round 1 1-3-2 1 min max 1-2-1-2 min mod Round 2 1-3B-C-2 2-1-2-1 Round 3 Around the world 1 min max Squat 1-2-3-2 Round 4 Freestyle inside or Out 3B-3 Round 5 Freestyle-3 punch combinations Movement Round 6 Bower Lunge 1 minute hold 30 seconds plank hold 40 seconds Welcome to the official Nate Bower Fitness YouTube channel! Nate Bower is a certified PTS, boxing instructor, personal trailer and competitive athlete, based out of Toronto Ontario, Canada. This channel offers boxing workouts, heavy bag workouts, high intensity interval training, motivation, timed session workout routines, and more. Subscribe and turn on ALL post notifications!'
Tags: weight loss workout , boxing , workout routines , nate bower , boxing fitness , best way to lose weight , boxing workouts , nate bower fitness , best boxing workouts , elevated , boxing class , boxing for weight loss , workouts for weightloss
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