'Well, I clearly missed a setting somewhere in OBS, because I didn\'t realize (until reviewing the footage afterwards) that it didn\'t capture audio from the webcam via #GoPro. MAYBE I\'ll try to edit in some voiceovers and upload this again... or maybe I\'ll just redo the test on my next day off. Got to learn more about how to use OBS anyway so I\'m leaning towards that second option. (\'Tis one of the reasons I didn\'t edit out the issue with the #balanceboard batteries dying on me; I chose to include ALL of the mistakes that popped up in this video.) In any case, the one single comment I actually remember making (most of it was rambling ;) ) was that it was oddly appropriate that I was starting out the new year with new equipment. The change wasn\'t deliberate, or at least not as far as the timing; I had wanted the new GoPro in part so I could start recording in such a manner but had planned on making something with it right after Christmas, so that extra week of NOT recording anything just made for a weird coincidence. Also I had mentioned something about figuring out how to crop clips, maybe get rid of all of that extra black space without any clip covering any other. (At the moment, the Wii Fit clip--which thanks to how Genki works has a TON of black space all around it--is simply slid over so that the far right edge of the actual gameplay is somewhat on the edge of OBS.) Oh, and needing to clean my room to accommodate the recordable area. Cropping may help with that but it does need tidying.'
Tags: Weight loss , Nintendo , gopro , fitness test , fitness tracking , fitness games , Wii U , wii fit u , fit meter
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