'Introducing the ROC-IT Plate Loaded product line from HOIST Fitness, featuring HOISTs patented Ride Oriented Xercise Technology—ROX®, the new movement in strength training. ROX Technology mimics the bodys natural rocking movement during free weight and body weight exercises. Incorporating this natural motion frees the body from the static position encountered in most strength training machines and makes it part of the movement. The result-- a motion combining better form, less stress to joints and a greater range of natural motion for a more complete exercise to help your clients achieve their fitness goals. Where an movements range of motion allows, Selectorized machines let users exercise with overhand, underhand and neutral grips. ROC-IT Plate Loaded machines feature unilateral, bilateral and reciprocating arm movements, where an exercises range of motion allows. And the contoured handles offer overhand, underhand and neutral grip positions.'
Tags: fitness , hoist fitness , Strength equipment , plate loaded , ROX
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