'Knee pain is not something you have to accept forever. When was the last time you addressed the stiffness in your anterior thigh? The soft tissues just above your knee tend to be very tight due to our mostly sitting culture. The hours you spend with your knees crossed or your bottom in a chair shorten and stiffen the adductors, hamstrings and inner most quadricep, the vastus medialis. Get quick relief with this super simple technique that uses a Yoga Tune Up ALPHA ball to mobilize your inner knee gunk. Try about 2 minutes per side, or stay on a side until you stop feeling change. The more often you do this, the more often you won\'t have knee pain! If you want more tips on living better in your body and get your hands on the products used in this video, check out my website at http://aewellness.com/shop-now Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AE-Wellness/1513183018952939 Ig: http://instagram.com/hollaformala Twitter: https://twitter.com/hollaformala'
Tags: yoga ball , knee pain , mobility , hamstring stretch , Knee Pain Relief , yoga tune up , therapy ball , ssenllewea , ae wellness , alpha ball , adductor stretch , aewellness , mobility for performance , hamstring relief , ytu ball
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