'Rich Celenza - www.richcelenza.com Mastering Self Confidence - www.masteringselfconfidence.com Listen To My Podcast: The Rich Celenza Show \"WTF Are You Talking About” https://ampl.ink/g0v2z Twitter - https://twitter.com/richcelenza LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/richcelenza Instagram - https://instagram.com/richcelenza/ Rich Celenza Public Page - https://www.facebook.com/RichCelenzaMSC/ RICH CELENZA Is At LA Fitness Dallas-Mockingbird By Dallas Love Airport, TX talking about how he teaches men in his Mastering Self Confidence Program how they should experiment with different gyms!! People should also learn how to experiment with different types of workouts and equipment. The location of this LA Fitness is 4540 W Mockingbird Ln, Dallas, TX 75209 and the website is https://www.lafitness.com/Pages/clubhome.aspx?clubid=585&DALLAS-Texas+GYUM&utm_source=google&utm_medium=googlemaps&utm_campaign=maps There\'s tons of different type of specialty gyms and if you haven\'t had luck in the past keep trying un til you the right gym (or workout) that fits your needs. Also learn to socialize a little bit when in the gym to learn different things and meet new interesting people.'
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