'Like this video? Then you\'ll love my free PDF report called \"The 5 Cornerstones to CAGE Cardio\": http://cagecardio.com Visit MMA Strength and Conditioning Blog: http://ericwongmma.com Connect with me on Facebook: http://ericwongmma.com/facebook ERIC\'S BOOKS AND PRODUCTS Ultimate MMA S&C Program (for MMA fighters): http://ultimatemmastrength.com MMA Ripped 8-Week Training Camp (for rapid fat loss): http://mmaripped.com Olympic Lifting Mastery Course: http://olympiclifting.net RECOMMENDED RESOURCES Kettelbell Training Program: http://bestkettlebellexercises.com Hormone and Artificial Sweetener-Free Protein: http://biotrust.info Healthy Fat Loss Recipes Cookbook: http://ericwongmma.com/metaboliccooking Healthy Desserts Cookbook (my wife made it!): http://thedessertangel.com'
Tags: speed , fitness , cardio , exercise , core , strength , fat loss , power , conditioning , mma workout , Circuit Training , muscle building , mma training , Mixed Martial Arts , quickness , medicine ball exercises
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