'Here we go! The first broadcast of 2021! It\'s time to sweat out all the Christmas cookies and holiday feasting :-D First jumping for Jakub and Jana after holidays as well, so let\'s see how it goes :-D 17:45 CET - Selection of Jumping Fitness videos 18:00 CET - Jumping with Jakub and Jana Spotify playlist link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6K7PbJzLbo3IguzJuKcwzn?si=97WqHIhRSNiMXNHUNZzB3A www.jumping-fitness.com #jumpingfitness #trampoline #homeworkout'
Tags: cardio , home workout , trampoline , jumping fitness , jakub novotny , jana svobodova , jumping fitness original
See also: