'THE 8118 FITNESS WORKOUT IS THE BEST FULL BODY WORKOUT TO GET FIT FOR ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE THIS IS THE NO EXCUSE WORKOUT Check out the Video to \"One More Day of Summer\" https://youtu.be/kBlBZljtRnA Leave the details in the comments of when you saw Welephant for Example \"Welephant spoted @ 1 min 24 secs\" for your chance to win a GIVEAWAY OF 3 Grenade Protein Bars If you want to support the charities then click on these links to donate - if you want to do the challenge yourself the details are below or why not nominate someone else! FIRE FIGHTERS CHARITY – https://www.justgiving.com/Hieth-George2 HELP FOR HEROS – https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/hieth-george1 CANCER RESEARCH - https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/hieth-george We recon this will be the dance track of 2018 plenty of remixs on the way to the bbc plus we thank Matt & Exmaple for the SHout out on Radio 1 PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD AND SHARE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN CHEERS N GONE FROM HIETH & AL To support this initiative whilst having a bit of fun and getting fit this is what you need to do: 1: Make a video you or a group doing the #8118 Program – 10 Reps of each exercise (Sit-Ups, Press-Ups, Lunges and Squats) the funnier the better by yourself in big groups or in strange and wonderful places - NOMINATE AND TAG OTHERS TO DO THE SAME 2: Edit it or send it to us to edit it using the background music \"Stick Together\" by Elias Näslin from our short clip https://youtu.be/0ARYFQijV_k you can also find it on this site https://videoblocks.go2cloud.org/SHCB where you get a free trail of their music. 3: Post it on Twitter with the hashtags #8118 #8118Charity tagging @8118Fitness 4: Post it on Instagram with the hashtags #8118 #8118Charity tagging @8118fitness 5: Post it on FaceBook with the hashtags #8118 #8118Charity tagging @Fitness8118 6: In your description please SHARE the just giving page YOU WISH TO PROMOTE AND SUPPORT and money raised will go to the 3 charities HELP FOR HEROS – https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/hieth-george1 FIRE FIGHTERS CHARITY – https://www.justgiving.com/Hieth-George2 CANCER RESEARCH - https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/hieth-george LINK TO DOWNLOAD TRACK : http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/300pHJNQ1wZGlB2XWdTrnvG/matt-edmondson-and-example-write-the-ultimate-summer-banger Feel free to put it on YouTube as well if you like, we will then start to collate them weekly and do a montage every week, we will also DECIDE WHICH ONE WE LIKE THE BEST AND SEND OUT A PRIZE We will also have an email set up if you want to send us message or videos to edit, plus the 8118 FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram pages will be ready and waiting for your support and comments. FaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/Fitness8118/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/8118Fitness Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/8118fitness/'
Tags: fitness , Workout , no equipment workout , Weight loss , exercise , best way , full body , 2018 , england , example , photography , full body workout for beginners , Cinematography , dji , mine , free music download , mavic , mavic pro , Tourist Attraction , Angel of the North , no excuse workout , 8118 exploring fitness angel of the north spirit adventure , 8118 exploring fitness , 8118 fitness , 8118 program , 8118 , mavic pro footage , cinematography tips , example one more day of summer , matt edmondson radio 1
See also: