'BIKINI FITNESS MODEL SPEAKS THE TRUTH ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES Thank you for watching my first ep of my Feelfabulousmovementtalkshow. Want to be on my show?? Then message me on the contact details I have left down below. INSTAGRAM: Host: @lizziefitzpatrick133 Special guest: @missaog #FeelFabulousMovementTALKSHOW #BikiniCompetition #MentalHealth'
Tags: mental health , anxiety , bikini model , Bikini Show , Bikini fitness , Bikini Fitness Model , fitness and mental health , struggling with anxiety , speaking up about anxiety , anxiety and me , bikini fitness mental health , body builder mental health , body builder anxiety , fitness and anxiety , fitness mental health problems , amy pole fitness , lizzie fitzpatrick , feelfabulousmovement , missaog , bikini comps , bikini compitetion
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