'Savage 7 INTERVAL BOXING WORKOUT | NateBowerFitness 130 ELEVATED PREMIUM Workouts---NATE BOWER ELEVATED https://watch.natebowerelevated.com/ Shadow Boxing Gloves https://natebowerfitness.com/boxing/shadow-boxing-gloves Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2w5wwHt 33 Min Savage Boxing Heavy Bag Workout Ultimate Interval Boxing Series http://natebowerfitness.com/boxing/#tabata Shadow Boxing Gloves http://natebowerfitness.com/boxing/ Shadow Boxing http://natebowerfitness.com/boxing/#shadow-boxing Follow Nate Bower Official Website: http://natebowerfitness.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/natebowerfitness Facebook: https://facebook.com/natebowerfitness Twitter: https://twitter.com/nbfitness Watch more Nate Bower Newest Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhbuLiV970GJ8UYqIOzvGPTZk6w-20h3 Boxing Workouts & Routines: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhbuLiV970EXS1_-yErAadBm1iBpmPWL HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhbuLiV970GhpLVo9l1fJHRZl5mRd2B4 15 Minute Workouts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhbuLiV970Hp1tmuo7G8fTMRAbVmbzLJ 20 Minute Workouts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhbuLiV970GW01yKEK_8WM_4fVZJA1RI 30 Minute Workouts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhbuLiV970H9GyF9FZBIOEmqX158EH98 Most Popular: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhbuLiV970E3VyFo09Ygaxgy8gv3JlzW Your 2019 workout play list just got better. Savage 7 INTERVAL FITNESS AND BOXING WORKOUT is for all levels. Once again Nate Bower brings heat and creativity to the masses with boxing and fitness fusion workout. You \'ll run through a group of seven exercise in 1 minute intervals with short active recovery movements between sets. adding a group fitness setting to the mix will further inspire and motivate you to push hard and get the most out of this crusher of a workout. When you add boxing, interval training, conditioning, creativity and a group fitness atmosphere to the mix, you know your in for a dope workout. #letsgo #slipandcounter Welcome to the official Nate Bower Fitness YouTube channel! Nate Bower is a certified PTS, boxing instructor, personal trailer and competitive athlete, based out of Toronto Ontario, Canada. This channel offers boxing workouts, heavy bag workouts, high intensity interval training, motivation, timed session workout routines, and more. Subscribe and turn on ALL post notifications!'
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