'#Yoga #InternationalYogaDay #WorldYogaDay Days ahead of the fifth International Yoga Day on June 21, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken to Twitter to spread awareness among the citizens on the importance of Yoga and various asanas in the exercise. Sharing yet another video of his animated version doing Dhyana, PM Modi wrote on Twitter, the advantages of the asana for the development of our mind and body.'
Tags: wellness , yoga , physical exercise , fitness challenge , posture , PM Narendra Modi , 3d animation video , baba ramdev , rstv , Surya Namaskar , Yoga with Modi , vajrasana , Rajya Sabha TV , vrikshasana , international yoga day , Shalabhasana , tadasana , international yoga day 2020 , Trikonasana , Modern yoga , Setu Bandhasana , Shashankasana , Vakrasana , Yoga animated video , YogaDay2019 , Importance of Yoga , IDY2020 , modi doing surya namaskar , modi doing yoga , United Nations General Assembly , dhyan asan
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