'If you want that classic physique pose then you have to put the work in guys. This may seem impossible at first, but after a week or two you will be able to complete all three of these exercises and start to see drastic improvements in your core! Be sure to tag me on instagram with your photos and videos doing the STOMACH VACUUM PUMP!! Oh and also tag #BreakingTheNattyLimit! How To: Stomach Vacuum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDx1xfSobG4 *READ FULL ARTICLE WITH PHOTOS* https://muscularstrength.com/article/Do-This-Daily-Tighter-Abs I\'m going to share with you an abdominal workout routine that I\'ve been doing every single day after my full body workouts to help me make my core more defined, and make the lines in-between my abs stick out even more whether I\'m flexing or not flexing. I have to tell you, with this workout, if you don\'t do any core specific work, especially where you\'re able to target the transverse abdominis, this will help you to actually get a smaller waist as well. I\'ve talked about exercises like this in the past, and I\'m going to reference one in the workout which is the stomach vacuum. The stomach vacuum in itself can help you basically reshape your core by strengthening your transverse abdominis which is going to help hold everything in nice and tight. Chasing The Classic Physique As you may know, I\'m currently developing a full body routine, and what I\'m wanting to do as well is to get my core as tight as possible. I really want to go for that classic physique pose where you do a front double biceps, and you\'re able to suck in and flex your abs to get that nice vacuum look. But in order to do that, you have to do more than just a traditional stomach vacuum. So this is the exact workout I\'m doing every single week, to help reshape my core and get that classic physique pose. However, before we jump into the routine, there is one other thing I\'m doing every single day whether I\'m going to the gym or not, and that\'s 300 floor crunches, and I\'m doing them on an ab mat to make sure I\'m getting a full stretch at the bottom of the movement, and to make the crunches a bit more intense. It takes me about 10-15 minutes to go through all 300 crunches (and I normally do them when I wake up as I\'m watching something like the news). If you don\'t have an ab mat at home, you can put a pillow down behind your lower back to complete these repetitions. The reason why I\'m doing 300 at home is because with my full body workout routine, I don\'t have as many ab focused days, so I\'m doing the crunches to make up for that. So you can continue your specific ab work that you\'re already doing in the gym, or you can start doing these 300 crunches at home! Exercise #1: Stomach Vacuum (10 Sets) If you haven\'t seen my how to video for stomach vacuums yet, you can check it out below. This video will give you different variations depending on whether you\'re a beginner or advanced when it comes to core control. All you\'re going to do for this is 10 sets of sucking in your stomach as much as you can, and remember when you\'re pulling your stomach in, you have to breathe all the air out of your system. So take in a deep breath, breathe all the air out, suck your stomach in, and then hold it for as long as you can. For the majority of you, this is going to be somewhere between 10-15 seconds, then as soon as you have to reset your breath, you\'re obviously going to take in a breath (so you don\'t suffocate!), and then that completes 1 set. Once you have caught your breath, you\'re going to repeat this 10 times in total. Exercise #2: Stomach Vacuum Pull-Over (10 Sets) To do this movement, you\'re going to have to find a bosu ball or something you can use so that when you\'re performing the exercise, you can get a nice arch in your back. You\'re then going to grab a light dumbbell (probably anywhere from 20lbs – 30lbs). This isn\'t an actual pull-over where you\'re trying to work your chest or back, you\'re simply using the weight so that as you lift your arms over your body, it\'s going to help you STRETCH your rectus abdominis as much as you can while also trying to stomach vacuum at the same time. *CONTINUE READING HERE* https://muscularstrength.com/article/Do-This-Daily-Tighter-Abs Program Selector - Get The Right Program For You! - https://muscularstrength.com/Program-Selector ---------------------------------------- Subscribe To My Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/ScottHermanFitness ---------------------------------------- 1 on 1 Online Coaching - http://muscularstrength.com/consultations ---------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD MY APP! – iPhone & Android! https://muscularstrength.com/phoneapp ---------------------------------------- MORE TIPS! - https://www.instagram.com/ScottHermanFitness'
Tags: how to , tips , fitness , core workout , bodybuilding , muscle , muscles , 6 pack abs , transformation , six pack , shredded , flat stomach , ripped , Bodybuilder , aesthetics , ab exercise , core exercise , vacuum , abdominal , flex , tight abs , flexing , Posing , vacuum exercise , scott herman fitness , transverse abdominis , stomach vacuum , stomach vacuum before and after , stomach vacuum exercise , how to stomach vacuum , how to do a stomach vacuum , ab vacuum , vacuum ab exercise , belly vacuum , tighter abs
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