'(3:41)- Pull-Up Hack For Wider & Thicker Lats! | NO REPS NEEDED? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVOxhlkGJnE&index=113&t=1s&list=PLacPhVACI3MPmdZvXralM2yDlAFdJObWC (5:50)- Barbell Bent-Over Row Vs T-Bar Row | WHICH BUILDS A THICKER & WIDER BACK? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykP1VnofdIQ&t=25s&index=12&list=PLacPhVACI3MNwwM_EgqLrM6B69N_8uiVE *READ FULL ARTICLE WITH PHOTOS* https://muscularstrength.com/article/Underhand-Vs-Overhand-Lat-Pulldown Today we’re going to be talking about which is the best way to maximize your muscle building potential with the cable lat pulldown machine, and we’ll be comparing the underhand-grip Vs. the overhand-grip. How Do I Know Which Variation Is Best For Me? Obviously the objective here is to pick the variation of the lat pulldown that will help you build a wider and thicker back. However, which exercise is best for you will depend on a couple of things. #1: Is Your Back Lagging In A Certain Area? For example, maybe your upper lats are well developed, but your lower lats just aren’t flaring out like the wings you hoped they would be. #2: Too Many Similar Exercises In Your Back Workout Maybe your workouts already consist of a few movements that target your back in the same way the lat pulldown does, and you need to choose the right variation to ensure you’re not wasting your time repeating the same movement patterns. Before we get into that, let’s go over proper form for both variations. Proper Form For Overhand-Grip Variation Proper form for this movement starts with adjusting the knee pad. The knee pad should be adjusted so that when you are sitting down, you can get your feet underneath and actually push your toes into the pad to help lock you into place. This is going to help you lift heavier weight for more repetitions. If you’re not able to do this, you’re going to slide out of the machine, and obviously it’s going to go against how much weight you can lift. Once you get that set up, you’re going to stand up and get a grip just outside of shoulder width, then pull it down and get yourself locked into place. You then want to set yourself up so that your torso is nice and straight and upright, with your core tight, so that you can pull the bar down to the top of your chest, and keep your elbows in line with your wrists the entire time. Coming down to the top of your chest and then going all the way to the top with a full stretch completes one rep. Proper Form For Underhand-Grip Variation The set up with the knee pad is the exact same for the underhand version of the lat pulldown. All you’re going to do differently is grab closer to the centre of the bar (shoulder width or a little closer), and then slightly lean back, just a little bit. That’s because for this movement, you’re going to try to bring the bar down to the top of your rib-cage. So instead of leaning forward and bringing the bar to the top of your chest, you’re going to lean back slightly and let the bar touch, or almost touch, the top of your rib-cage. That’s where you’re going to get that really hard contraction, that really hard flex. If you’ve been doing this movement and only pulling it down to just below your chin or the top of your chest, you’ve been doing it wrong and not maximizing the full range of motion (ROM) of the exercise. Coming down to the top of your rib-cage and then going all the way to the top with a full stretch completes one rep. How Does The Overhand-Grip Variation Target The Lats? Now that you understand proper form, let’s discuss how each exercise targets the lats. If your goal is to work on the upper portion of your lats, then the variation you want to use is the OVERHAND-GRIP. What else is great about the overhand-grip is that when it comes to maximizing the stretch of the lats at the top of the movement, this version is superior to the underhand-grip. If you remember, I did an article not long ago about Pull-Up Hacks for muscle gain without doing any reps, which was basically a dead hang. The stretch here is very similar to that, and the reason why you can get more stretch with this variation than underhand-grip is because at the top of the movement you can actually get the bar over and behind your head. With the underhand-grip, the stretch at the top is obstructed by your shoulders. *CONTINUE READING HERE* https://muscularstrength.com/article/Underhand-Vs-Overhand-Lat-Pulldown Program Selector - Get The Right Program For You! - https://muscularstrength.com/Program-Selector ---------------------------------------- Subscribe To My Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/ScottHermanFitness ---------------------------------------- 1 on 1 Online Coaching - http://muscularstrength.com/consultations ---------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD MY APP! – iPhone & Android! https://muscularstrength.com/phoneapp ---------------------------------------- MORE TIPS! - https://www.instagram.com/ScottHermanFitness'
Tags: weight training , back workout , lats , pull , grip , back exercises , best back exercises , lats workout , back exercise , back training , Pulldown Exercise , Lat , lat pulldown , lat workout , Scott Herman Lats , lat pull down , pulldown , lat pulldowns , pull down , how to do a lat pulldown , how to do lat pulldowns , lat pulldown exercise , lat pulldown form , lat exercises , lat pull , underhand , overhand , underhand vs overhand , lat pulldown technique , lat pulldown bigger back
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