'POUND Tour Crew Camp 2019 | TOUR CREW | POUND Rockout. Workout.'

01:38 Mar 31, 2023
'POUND® TOUR CREW is our team of passionate and badass brand ambassadors! They are an extension of POUND® HQ and represent the spirit of our POUND® community & brand. They create opportunities to MAKE NOISE by promoting POUND® everywhere they go–online, in class, at local events and more! TOUR CREW members teach and live their lives with confidence, passion and purpose. ─────────────── Find a class: http://bit.ly/33ivcjt Become an Instructor: http://bit.ly/32hBcHO ───────────────  

Tags: cardio , exercise , full body workout , fitness instructor , Group Fitness , ace , AFAA , nasm , poundfit , pound rockout workout , pound workout , drumming fitness , group exercise instructor , canfitpro

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