'it\'s scary how effective a hula hoop is here\'s the link to the hula hoop: https://bit.ly/2ONu2dg I use a canon g7x and edit on final cut pro love y’all if you’ve read this far comment: ‘i wasn’t expecting those results omg’ sign up for airbnb here n get £34 off ur first stay: https://www.airbnb.co.uk/c/kates20475?currency=GBP Socials: ♡ Instagram: @kateelisabethxo Twitter: @kateelisaxo TikTok: @kateelisabethh lifestyle YouTuber who loves sushi lol every subscriber means the world to me, so hit up that subscribe button if ya wanna see a new video from me every Sunday:)))))))))'
Tags: comedy , Lifestyle , tiktok , makeup , school , results , night routine , acne , Holiday , before and after , university , boarding school , Prom , Kate , hula hoop , tiktok made me do it , weighted hula hoop , hula hooping , i used a weighted hula hoop for a week , i lost weight , Kate Elisabeth , Kate Elizabeth , i used a weighted hula hoop tiktok , i lost how many inches , i lost inches , i hula hooped for a week
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