02:47 Sep 21, 2021
'In this video you\'ll find numerous exercises that can be done in a limited space that will improve your hip power, hip drive, hIp strength and power. They are all based around the running on the spot theme (useful at all times but particularly during the COVID pandemic).  These exercises are specifically of value to sprinters and jumpers as they will develop the movements needed to assist with acceleration. However, they will also be of benefit to all athletes (from various sports) and for runners of all speeds. I have provided suggested reps and sets so you can include the exercises in your workouts. You could do them as a part of your warm-up or as session in their own right when other exercises are included. There are other videos in this series to do check those out as well for other options. Stay safe #homeworkouts #athleteworkout #limitedspaceworkout #workout #on-lineworkout  Want to get Stretchbands for you to train with then follow this link to Athletic kit supplier Neuff. https://www.neuff.co.uk/collections/training-aids/products/dynabands?sca_ref=197979.RH67SnXqAz  OR FOR ALL OTHER ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT: PLYO BOXES, MED BALLS, THROWING IMPLEMENTS, SLEDS AND STARTING BLOCKS GO TO NEUFF ATHLETIC  https://www.neuff.co.uk?sca_ref=197979.RH67SnXqAz -------------------------------------------------- EMS DISCOUNT NuroKor MiTouch Electro Muscular Stimulation could be one way to maintain and even gain strength, speed and power at this time. Check out for the channel video on EMS which showcase numerous positive research findings..  And if you are looking for a great product checkout Nurokor MiTouch.   Coach Shepherd is able to offer a 10% DISCOUNT on the NuorKor MiTouch - use this code to access it  

Tags: sprints , triple jump , Long jump , how to long jump , how to triple jump , how to sprints , how to multi events

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