01:03:02 Oct 11, 2021
'by Dr. Daniel Gärtner Give us a chance and train with us. The courses will also be available for you on my channel after the live session. We teach in German and English. It\'s a free course class. But you can support us via PayPal with a donate. We would be very happy about that, as we have some costs and expenses.  https://paypal.me/5Dsports?locale.x=de_DE We look forward to seeing you!' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , cardio , exercise , covid , sixpack , training , quarantine , SPORT , fit , stretching , Gymnastics , flexibility , Fight , workoutathome , bauchmuskeln , kick , corona , livestream , kickboxing , kraft , fitnessworkout , cardioworkout , PUNCH , krafttraining , übung , Effektiv , onlineworkout , livestreaming , Bikinifigur , onlinetraining , workoutclass , Sportwissenschaft , kibo , kickboxaerobic , dr.daniel , Gymfit , liveworkout , betterbody , livefitnessclass , kibolive , danielgärtner , drgaertner , livekurs , liveclass , freefitnessclass

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