'#Yoga #InternationalYogaDay #WorldYogaDay Ahead of the International Yoga Day on June 21, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday shared an animated video where he is doing Tadasana, a yoga pose. PM Modi urged people to make yoga an integral part of their lives and also to inspire others to do the same. In a tweet, he shared an animated video where he is doing Tadaasana, a yoga pose. PM Modi said doing Tadasana properly would enable you to practice many other Asanas with ease. Know more about this Asana and its benefits.'
Tags: wellness , yoga , physical exercise , fitness challenge , posture , PM Narendra Modi , 3d animation video , baba ramdev , rstv , Surya Namaskar , Yoga with Modi , vajrasana , Rajya Sabha TV , vrikshasana , international yoga day , Shalabhasana , tadasana , international yoga day 2020 , Trikonasana , Modern yoga , HumFitTohIndiaFit , Setu Bandhasana , Shashankasana , Vakrasana , Yoga animated video , YogaDay2019 , Importance of Yoga , IDY2020 , modi doing surya namaskar , modi doing yoga , United Nations General Assembly
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